Creating Automatic Posts on WordPress: A Detailed Guide

Creating Automatic Posts on WordPress: A Detailed Guide

WordPress is a popular content management system that allows users to create and manage their websites and blogs with ease. One of the most useful features of WordPress is the ability to create automatic posts, which can save users a lot of time and effort.

What are Automatic Posts on WordPress?

Automatic posts, also known as scheduled posts, are articles or blog posts that are published automatically at a specified time and date. This means that users can create content in advance and schedule it to be published at a later time, without having to be present to manually publish it.

Automatic posts are a great way for bloggers and website owners to maintain a consistent publishing schedule without having to be constantly present to publish new content. They are also useful for businesses that want to schedule promotions or announcements in advance.

How to Create Automatic Posts on WordPress

Creating automatic posts on WordPress is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. First, users need to create a new post or edit an existing one. Then, they can set the date and time they want the post to be published using the “Publish” settings.

  • Navigate to the “Publish” settings
  • Click on “Edit” next to “Publish immediately”
  • Select the desired date and time for the post to be published
  • Click “OK” to save the changes
  • Click “Schedule” to schedule the post for automatic publishing

Users can also use plugins to create more advanced automatic post schedules, such as publishing posts at regular intervals or based on specific events or conditions.


Creating automatic posts on WordPress is a powerful feature that can save users time and effort while maintaining a consistent publishing schedule. With just a few simple steps, users can schedule their posts to be published automatically, allowing them to focus on other important tasks.

time management

Why Use Automatic Posts?

Creating automatic posts on WordPress can save you time, help maintain consistency, and improve your website’s SEO. Here’s how:

Save Time

Manually creating and publishing blog posts can be time-consuming. With automatic posts, you can schedule your content in advance and let your website do the work for you. This means you can focus on other aspects of your business, such as marketing and customer service, while still maintaining a steady stream of content for your audience.


Consistency is key in building a successful blog or website. With automatic posts, you can ensure that your content is published on a regular basis, without having to worry about missing a deadline or forgetting to post altogether. This not only helps keep your readers engaged, but it also establishes your website as a reliable source of information.

Improved SEO

Search engines love websites that are updated regularly with fresh, relevant content. By using automatic posts, you can ensure that your website is constantly updated with new content, which can help improve your search engine rankings. Additionally, you can optimize your posts for specific keywords and phrases, making it easier for your target audience to find your content.

Overall, creating automatic posts on WordPress can be a valuable tool for any business looking to save time, maintain consistency, and improve their SEO. By leveraging the power of automation, you can focus on growing your business while still providing your audience with high-quality content.

wordpress plugin

Setting Up Automatic Posts

Automatic posts can save you a lot of time and effort when it comes to publishing content on your WordPress website. In this section, we will guide you through the process of setting up automatic posts on your WordPress website using a plugin.

Choose a Plugin

The first step in setting up automatic posts is to choose a plugin that can help you automate the process. There are many plugins available in the WordPress repository that can help you with this, but we recommend using the WP Scheduled Posts plugin.

This plugin is easy to use and offers a wide range of features that will help you schedule and publish your content automatically. It also offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for beginners to get started.

Configure Plugin Settings

Once you have installed and activated the WP Scheduled Posts plugin, the next step is to configure its settings. To do this, go to the plugin settings page by clicking on the WP Scheduled Posts menu in your WordPress dashboard.

On the settings page, you will see various options that you can configure according to your preferences. Some of the important settings that you should configure include:

  • Schedule: This option allows you to set the frequency of your automatic posts. You can choose to publish your posts daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Timezone: This option allows you to set the timezone for your scheduled posts. Make sure you select the correct timezone to avoid any confusion.
  • Post Types: This option allows you to select the post types that you want to schedule. You can choose to schedule posts, pages, or custom post types.

Create Post Template

Once you have configured the plugin settings, the next step is to create a post template. This template will be used to create new posts automatically according to your schedule.

To create a post template, go to the WP Scheduled Posts menu in your WordPress dashboard and click on the Post Templates tab. Here, you can create a new template by clicking on the Add New Template button.

In the template editor, you can add the title, content, and other details for your post. You can also use various placeholders to insert dynamic content into your posts, such as the post title, author name, and post date.

Once you have created your post template, you can select it while scheduling your posts. The plugin will then automatically create new posts based on your template according to your schedule.

Benefits of Automatic Posts
1. Saves time and effort
2. Helps maintain a consistent publishing schedule
3. Increases productivity
4. Improves SEO by keeping your website updated with fresh content

Setting up automatic posts on your WordPress website is a great way to save time and effort while maintaining a consistent publishing schedule. By following the steps outlined in this section, you can easily set up automatic posts on your website and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

wordpress post creation

Creating Automatic Posts on WordPress: A Detailed Guide

Select Post Type

Before creating automatic posts on WordPress, you need to select the post type you want to create. WordPress offers several post types, including posts, pages, and custom post types. Posts are the most commonly used post type and are ideal for blog posts and news articles. Pages are perfect for creating static pages like About Us or Contact Us pages. Custom post types allow you to create your own post types with custom fields and taxonomies.

To select a post type, navigate to the WordPress dashboard and click on the Posts or Pages menu item. From there, you can add a new post or page and select the appropriate post type. If you want to create a custom post type, you can use a plugin like Custom Post Type UI or Toolset Types.

Set Post Frequency

Once you have selected your post type, you need to decide how often you want your automatic posts to be published. WordPress offers several options for scheduling posts, including daily, weekly, and monthly. You can also set a specific time for your posts to be published.

To set the post frequency, you can use a plugin like WP Scheduled Posts or Jetpack. These plugins allow you to schedule posts in advance and set the frequency for your automatic posts.

Customize Post Content

One of the benefits of creating automatic posts on WordPress is that you can customize the content of your posts. You can use templates to create a structure for your posts and add dynamic content like the current date or time.

To customize the content of your automatic posts, you can use a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields or Custom Post Template. These plugins allow you to create custom fields and templates for your posts, making it easy to add dynamic content.

You can also use a plugin like WP RSS Aggregator to automatically import content from other websites and create posts based on that content. This is a great way to create automatic posts without having to write the content yourself.


In this section, we have discussed how to create automatic posts on WordPress. We have looked at how to select a post type, set the post frequency, and customize the content of your posts. By following these steps, you can create high-quality, dynamic content for your website without having to spend hours writing and publishing posts manually.

wordpress conclusion


Creating automatic posts on WordPress can save you time and effort in managing your website’s content. With the help of plugins and tools, you can easily set up automated posts for your blog or website.

Firstly, it is important to choose a reliable plugin that meets your needs and requirements. The Jetpack plugin, WP Scheduled Posts, and CoSchedule are some of the most popular plugins that offer scheduling and automation features.

Once you have chosen your plugin, you can start creating your automated posts. It is recommended to plan your content in advance and create a content calendar to ensure consistent posting.

Additionally, you can use AI-powered tools like PixelPenAI to create high-quality articles for your automated posts. These tools use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate content that is SEO optimized and engaging for your audience.

Remember to optimize your automated posts for search engines by including relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags. This will help improve your website’s visibility and attract more traffic to your site.

In conclusion, automating your WordPress posts can streamline your content creation process and help you focus on other important aspects of your website. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a successful automated post strategy for your blog or website.

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